Secondary server doesn’t update pdns zone

I just had a client recently ask, “Why doesn’t my secondary dns server update a zone?” They’re running pdns and poweradmin packages: poweradmin-2.1.4-1.el6.noarch pdns-4.0.3-1pdns.el6.x86_64 pdns-backend-mysql-4.0.3-1pdns.el6.x86_64 on both ns1 and ns2 servers.  The ns2 server is set to be slave of ns1, so any changes made on ns1 automatically get populated Read more…


This is my blog, I’m a unix administrator that always come across things that I need to fix.  My personal preference is CentOS.  So most of the answers you find here will be centered around CentOS 6 or 7 and how to resolve them. You never can know everything, right Read more…